If you are interested in working in a particular existing tribe or are looking for information regarding the particular area of interest, write either to the tribe itself or get in touch with the headquarters [1]
adresa: Tulčík 183, 082 13
mobile phone: (00421) (0)911 779 030
e-mail: katka@wolf.sk [2]
contact:Katka Grichová
address: Ul. Kpt. Nálepku 102, 069 01 Snina
mobile phone: (00421) (0)911 779 020
e-mail: vilo@wolf.sk [3]
contact: Viliam Bartuš
..or contact the headquarters
[1] http://www.wolf.sk/sk/kto-sme/kontakt
[2] mailto:katka@wolf.sk
[3] mailto:vilo@wolf.sk