How to help
Support possibilities
WOLF Forest Protection Movement protects natural forests in middle-europe region for fifteen years. We buy endangered forests and state there private reserves with no interventions. We reveal thievery and illegal activities in forests, with straight actions in terrain we stop lodging the rests of the most beautiful slovak forests, publish books, fliers, organize lectures, terrain seminars and international conferences.
Member - supporter
A member supporter becomes the person interested, who has reached 15 years of age, wants to promote the activities of the Wolf Forest Protection Movement and pays his membership dues. If you have decided to become a member, it is necessary to fill out a membership card and send us your membership fee. We can send you the membership card or we can fill in the card for you, where we need your - name, address, phone number and optionally your e-mail address
Special 77 Crown Banknote
With a standing order in your bank account or your employer's payroll accountancy offices, you can support the activities of Wolf Forest Protection Movement on a regular monthly basis. The symbolic value of the banknote, which you will receive from us, and also the minimum monthly payment is 77 forest crowns (FC). The amount of your payments is converted from 1.1.2009 with the currency conversion rate from the Wolfs Bank (WB). The currency rate will be changed after the irregular meetings of the Wolfs Bank Council, which consist of the deer Drgonec, jay Adélka and bacteria Juliet and will be posted on our website or we will give you a notice through our contacts. The current rate is in a left panel. Banknotes by graphic design from Ľubka Dzúriková issued by the Wolfs Bank.